Mark's home page

  Amateur radio from DC to light


Hobbys include Amateur radio and Jewellery making

Links found on pages on this site, and a few other related sites.


E-mail If you do not have java enabled.. write down the email address!


'Universal' Transverter Interface, documentation and schematics

Forem 13cm Amplifier, PSU documentation and schematics

General Purpose GaAs amplifier supply, documentation and schematics

122GHz Equipment & VK3CV TFT display, documentation and schematics

OM345 substitute for the MI 2955, documentation and schematics

Sivers lab waveguide switches, documentation and schematics

6cm EME activity and new photos of the dishes.

  Details of a GPS locked frequency standard using the Trimble Palisade. Download the Trimble Palisade handbook (1.6Mb) page. The software for talking to the Trimble Palisade is here. Beware, I tried to force the receiver to talk NMEA, and it locked up. I have yet to get the unit working again! Added Nov '06

  Waveguide filter design software can be found on the technical info page. Added march '06 (Thanks to Loren WA7SKT)

70cm station details system updated February 2006. News on EME activity. Notes on the use of Ex Dolphin Tetra power amplifiers made by Nokia

Updates.. 9cm Ionica system info updated 03/04/05.. Including Receive Converter details. Portable operation from Gatehouse of Fleet and Kilkeel (Northern Ireland) added April 08. Updated details of my EME system added August 08.

3.4GHz beacon GM4ISM/B QRT   also operated as  GM4LBV/B in IO86RQ (August 03) for a year or so 

Details of my 4m system added July 2005 With Info on the PYE A200, the AM14-10 amplifiers, DXCC worked and the Mini DXpedition to Jersey in August 2009 Updated Dec 2009

Pictures of the 8.4GHz septum feed Septum added June 2005

Pictures of the simple Es'Hail 2 (Oscar100) satellite communication system April 2019

  Spreadsheets for calculation of hybrid combiner imbalance, slotted waveguide and parabolic antennas. Thanks to Francois, F1CHF. English and French versions available from the technical info page.

New MF / LF page added 13/9/07. Links to my 500 KHz Grabber (sampler) and links to other 500KHz grabbers

Noctilucent Clouds.. an excellent display on 21/7/09 Some photos taken with handheld basic digital camera here.


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