Amateur radio


Member of the          

DC - Modification details for the Bonar Brentford  28V 50A PSU {13.8V operation}

LF / MF New page with details on the new antenna for 500KHz

The 50MHz station 'The magic band'

The 70MHz station 4m

The 432MHz EME station

The 1.2GHz EME station

3.4GHz Equipment

The 5.7GHz station

Pictures of the 8.4GHz septum feed Septum

The 10GHz station

122GHz station and TFT display

Various technical information. (Antenna design software, Diplexers and hybrids and more)

Use of Ex Dolphin Nokia Tetra Power amplifiers on 70cms

Uffe PA5DD's rain radar and lightening maps here. Covers much of Europe

Light.. Laser communications

Visit the shack. Photo gallery

GPS stuff. Frequency reference from 1PPS with info on the Trimble Palisade receiver. Datasheet for the Sigem SGM5608 GPS engine.

Beacon Projects Page coming soon

WSJT page. Info on K1JT's excellent weak signal and meteorscatter software. Interesting WAV files recorded off-air. Now with WSPR database query engine.

Portable operation. I have portable or mobile equipment for 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cms, 3.4GHz, 10GHz and Light. For details of operation on any band from rare locations, e-mail me (link on home page)

Real Audio Soundclips.. Listen to real Amateur radio contacts!

Logging now with  Winlog 32  by G0CUZ.  I wrote a batch file so that the log files can be updated by any PC on a LAN  (so long as only 1 PC is using the log at once !) This may still work but no guarantees
This has been really usefull when trying to run the log and DSP software on a slower machine
Download Winlog.bat  You will need to edit this to reflect your directory structure!
My QSL cards ran out a while ago and I have just finished the design of the new card.  Hope to have them printed soon.

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