@echo off REM this batch file resides in the WINLOG32 directory of the secondary PC echo Batch file to copy Log files from Main PC to secondary PC echo before running winlog32 Written by Mark GM4ISM echo Ensue that you dont run the log program on both machines at the same time echo Data would be lost. pause REM next line is specific to network routing required if not exist t:\radio\winlog32\logs\gm4ism.log goto networkme echo Fils being transferred ... please wait REM next line is specific to network routing required xcopy t:\radio\winlog32\logs\*.* c:\radio\winlog32\logs\*.* /s echo Winlog will now run call wl32.exe cls echo Program will now transfer updated Log files back to host computer pause xcopy c:\radio\winlog32\logs\*.* t:\radio\winlog32\logs\*.* /s goto exit :networkme cls echo Path to Log files on remote computer does not exist REM next line is specific to network routing required echo Ensure network drive (t) is availavle and mapped to the Toshiba C drive pause goto exit :exit